

 Beauty and attractiveness start from the face, so every person aspires to have the best face and body, especially women who seek to match the eyes, nose and lips with each other, so rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic operations. Rhinoplasty is the process of reshaping the nose. Through this process, doctors can reduce the nose  or enlarge it, the bunny is raised, the nasal bone deviation correction, and others. So, contact us to get better care.


Reasons for undergoing the operation:

Doctors perform This operation for a cosmetic purpose to improve the appearance of the nose, or a therapeutic purpose to improve breathing, and both purposes can be achieved together. Therapeutic purpose: Doctors perform Nasal surgery  to treat health problems related to the nose, such as congenital or hereditary defects. Accident a variety of diseases or exposure to trauma or fracture resulting in difficulty breathing, smelling or snoring.

Aesthetic purpose: It is a surgical intervention that aims to fix the points that a person is disturbed by his nose and give it an appropriate shape with facial features. The same procedure can also fix breathing problems. These are the reasons for undergoing the oreration of rhinoplasty.


Pre-operative instructions:

The patient who wishes to undergo rhinoplasty must explain in detail to the doctor the shape of the nose that he wishes to obtain or the patient confirms his request with a photograph as an example of the desired shape.

Before the operation, Doctors take pictures of the patient and reprogram them to clarify the shape of the nose after the operation until the patient’s requests are met and he obtains the desired shape as the surgeon deems appropriate for the patient.

Suitable age for operation:

Rhinoplasty can be suitable for people who is at the age of 17 at least for males and 18 years for females at least.


Operation methods:

There are two ways to perform rhinoplasty; open and closed as well, the method to be performed is determined by the attending physician during the medical evaluation in the preoperative examination. 

Method and duration of anesthesia:

This operation of rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, and the duration ranges from one to two hours at least. It also requires a night stay in the hospital under medical care. After the operation, doctors put a plastic splint on the nose in order to reduce swelling and puffiness, and they put internal plastic pieces  on both sides of the nasal septum to prevent adhesions, and remove both  within a few days. The patient leaves the hospital a day after the operation and doctors remove the plastic strip  from the inside of the nose 3 to 6 days after the operation. But in open rhinoplasty, they remove the stitches  after 6 to 7 days and the splint is removed 7 to 8 days after the operation.


Recovery period:

Swelling and bruises around the eyes can occur due to the bleeding resulting from the operation and the nature of the skin, which is normal. And the bruising and swelling disappear completely within about two weeks and continue to improve day by day. The final result of rhinoplasty can be available between 6 months and a year at least. 


Post-operative instructions:

  • The patient shouldn’t remove the wraps from the nose for at least a week and kept away

    from places that have steam such as the bathroom and sauna as well.

  • The skin of the nose should be clean with special preparations after removing the bandage.

  • patients should avoid intense sports and physical activity and they should use the toothbrush carefully.

  • Also they shouldn’t do excessive facial movements and shouldn’t wear Contact lenses for 5 days.

  • They also shouldn’t touch  sensitive areas of the nose  or exposd to any trauma in the 4 weeks following the operation.

  • Also they shouldn’t wear Glasses  for at least two months.

  • They should avoid Sunlight sunbathing  for sensitive skin while they are outside.