What is hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is the most natural and permanent way to replace people who have lost their hair.
As the area from which the hair that is added to the patient is taken from , is an area where hair loss has not occurred.
With the hair transplant technique, the patient acquires permanent hair as if he had never lost his hair before.
Our goal in hair transplantation is to achieve a natural hair appearance for the patient in a comfortable way and with modern medical applications.

Whom is hair transplantation for?

Today, 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from the problem of hair loss.
That is why hair transplantation is the most cosmetic procedure for men.
Hair loss does not happen only to men, but also to many women who have lost their hair or suffer from lack of density.
Everyone is able to do a hair transplant.
The medical team takes care of all the necessary tests and diagnosis of the situation to ensure that they obtain the expected results without any mistake .
Then the General and local anesthesia with the hands of a anesthesia specialist is applied .
In addition to the possibility of hair transplantation for women without shaving, a feature that many are looking for.

Hair transplantation in Turkey : 

These small parts may differ in size and shape according to the technique used. In general it may require several sessions to reach a satisfactory cosmetic result.
Sessions may be far apart according to the doctor’s evaluation. So the number of implanted units may reach (700) in one session or more when extracting smaller parts from the donor area.
Just before the operation, the donor area is available by cutting the hair short to facilitate the process of accessing and picking out the parts that hold the hair follicles.
When doctors take the hair using a pointed tool to pick out very small parts of the scalp, each bearing a small number of hair follicles in the same session in poor or balding areas.
Your surgeon picks and transplants hair follicles with great care, taking into consideration the direction of the hair. So that it grows in a natural and consistent direction without harming the donor areas.

Hair transplantation surgery step 1:

The stage of extracting the follicles from the donor area:
Doctors do Hair transplant surgery from the donor area (the back of the head). That area is not affected by the hormone dihydrotestosterone responsible for hair loss in the rest of the head.
The stage of extracting the follicles begins after local anesthesia. This process is carried out using device heads that are thinner than (0.5 mm) or less.
It produces very small, invisible holes that heal quickly and may take up to a day.
This stage takes (2-2.30) hours, depending on the number of follicles to be extracted. Usually, follicles that contain 2-3 hairs are targeted.
This is in order to fill the areas that need to fill large spaces in the scalp, such as the crown area and behind the front line of the hair.
As for the follicles that contain (1-2) hairs, they are suitable for planning the front line of the hair. And that  because these individual follicles help the doctor to design the line naturally and specifically.
After picking the follicles , they are kept in a special liquid, which is Hypothermosol, which gives the follicles vitality and activity until transplanting them.
The fluid preserves the vital materials and growth factors of the follicles and protects them from damage due to various factors such as heat and humidity. After that, the medical team sterilizes and covers the donor area.
The number of follicles that can be extracted depends on the density of the donor area, from the time of extraction to the time of transplantation. The extracted follicles are placed in a nutrient solution to preserve them.

Hair transplantation surgery steps 2:

The stage of opening the receiving Canals, this stage is the most important stage for obtaining natural results from hair transplantation.
This is the part that requires the most experience and aesthetic and technical skills.
The next stage is to open Canals that incubate new follicles in areas that suffer from thinning hair or baldness.
Incubator Canals are those gaps in which the new follicles settle and have certain specifications such as the appropriate direction of opening, depth and space.
Canals are opened in the DHI technique using Choi pens, where the canals are opened and hair transplanted directly in one step.
While in the sapphire fue technique, a sharp-tip tool made of the Sapphire stone is used to open the Canals, and this pen is characterized by the smooth opening of theCanals without causing damage or scars, so that the follicles are implanted in it.

Hair transplantation surgery step 3:

Follicle implantation stage:. After getting rest and eating a snack, the last stage of the hair transplant process is the stage of implanting the follicles, which takes approximately (2-3.30 hours) depending on the number of follicles that must be transplanted.
The distribution of new follicles to these areas is based on a prior plan based on the required hair density and the places that will receive the follicles.
The cultivation is in stages so that each stage is targeted to a specific area of the scalp, where the distribution of follicles, for example, in the crown area is different from their distribution in the front area The head and the front line of the hair.

Hair growth after the operation

The transplanted follicles begin to grow fifteen days after the operation. As for the fixation of the follicles, it happens a month after the operation. 
This matter may differ from one person to another. 
Usually, almost complete loss of the transplanted hair is observed within (15 to 20) days after the operation, but what falls is the outer visible part of the hair. 
That is, the transplanted follicles remain in the skin, but they are in the so-called resting phase, during which these follicles are completely fixed in the skin of the scalp. 
The average growth period of transplanted hair ranges from two to three months, but this definitely varies according to people.